sexual violence prevention project
ERCC offers free, high quality sexual violence prevention education to 11 – 25 year olds in schools, youth groups and other youth settings in Edinburgh City, East, Mid and West Lothian. We do so as part of Rape Crisis Scotland’s National Prevention Network, using the Preventing Sexual Violence pack which is delivered by Rape Crisis centres in schools across Scotland. Find out more and the National Prevention Strategy here: [Download not found]
We work with young people to hear their views on sexual violence and what can be done to change it. We published research on this as part of the Scottish Young People Create Change Network. We have also championed creative participation work in this area with young people.
Read more about our prevention work here:
- [Download not found]
- ERCC Prevention Team’s Handbook
- Porn resource: What Do You Think?
Our workshops are evidence-based and participatory. They’re designed to help young people explore these issues surrounding sexual violence – including sexting, pornography, and consent – in a safe and informative environment.
Workshops are broken down into age appropriate sessions for S1/2, S3/4, S5/6, 18–25yr olds, with sessions focusing on the following topics:
>> Gender – gender norms and inequality, and the harmful impact of these on how we view ourselves and others.
>> Consent – legal definition of consent, pressure, mutual enthusiasm, respect and addressing rape myths.
>> Sexualisation – the power of marketing and images to influence gendered behaviour and self-image, including the music and porn industries.
>> What is sexual violence? – explores sexual violence as that which is sexually violating, including sexual insults and sexual harassment.
>> Sexual violence: impacts and support – the impacts of sexual violence on survivors and how to get support or help others.
>> Social media – sexting, online safety, and the law.
>> How we can help prevent sexual violence? – explore a safe bystander approach, what we can do to influence others’ behaviours and attitudes in a positive way, and harmful attitudes towards sexual violence such as ‘victim-blaming’.
All workshops have been designed to complement and contribute towards key aims identified in the Curriculum for Excellence, Getting It Right for Every Child and Equally Safe.
Our external evaluation found that:
>> Over 90% of young people reported a greater understanding of the issues following workshops
>> Over 90% of teachers agreed that the learning outcomes had been achieved
You can read about one school’s experience with us from the perspectives of teacher, pupils and Nadine our prevention worker via the Summer 2016 issue of Rape Crisis Scotland’s quarterly news.
“I was really impressed with the session… and the students were too when I spoke with them later”
Teacher, local High School“I feel like this has thoroughly expanded my knowledge on rape and sexual violence. I greatly enjoyed and appreciated the session.”
Young Person, S3, on the Consent workshop
do you know drama project
Our ‘Do You Know’ drama project with young people from Leith Academy produced pieces of theatre written, performed and directed by the young people on the theme of preventing sexual violence, and premiered during the 16 Days of Action to End Gender-Based Violence 2014. ‘Do You Know’ was performed in full at the Scottish Storytelling Centre (view event gallery), and the cast also performed extracts and spoken to MSPs and professionals at the Scottish Parliament. With Rape Crisis Scotland and Media Co-op we developed ‘Do You Know’ into 4 short films made by and starring young people from the project. The four films, now titled the Young Voices DVD, are now being used in schools across Scotland. You can watch the trailers for two of the films ‘Sexpectations’ and ‘Just A Bit of Fun’ via Rape Crisis Scotland’s YouTube channel.
Prevention project in the media
Teenagers act to STAMP out sexual violence Glasgow Evening Times