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It’s ok to be me

The STAR Project for young survivors has created a self-care resource on trauma and its effects, specifically for 12 – 14 year olds who have experienced sexual violence.

The ‘It’s ok to be me‘ booklet covers the many common impacts of trauma after sexual violence using language, exercises and illustrations which are in an appropriate and accessible way for young people. Topics are named in a sensitive and less daunting way, for example the section about dissociation is called ‘numbness and spacing out’ and the flashbacks section is named ‘I keep remembering scary memories as though they are happening to me again’.

The contents section on the first page is important as not all of the content will be appropriate for each young survivor. For example, some sections could trigger feelings or memories associated with the trauma they’ve experienced. So before reading the booklet, please read the contents section and pick and choose the sections you look at.

There are colouring pages, which are there to remind young survivors reading this content can be difficult and to take a break. There are also exercises throughout the book to help the young survivor think about their feelings, coping mechanisms and supports around them.

We have included some exercises around self-care and even a section on ‘What’s good about me’ as often young survivors self worth is affected after sexual violence. There is also a page of inspirational quotes and many services, helplines and apps young survivors can access for support.

You can download an online copy of the booklet ‘It’s ok to be me’ here. If you would like to request a printed copy please email star@ercc.scot

For young survivors aged 15 and over, and adults, Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre’s Little Green Book looks at trauma, the effects of sexual violence, ways of coping and recovery. You can read our Little Green Book here.

How to contact STAR:

⋆ Email: star@ercc.scot

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