We take the health and wellbeing of our staff, volunteers and those accessing are services very seriously. As restrictions have lifted we are able to offer more face-to-face support sessions and we want to make sure that your face-to-face support runs as smoothly and safely as possible.
To help us keep you, other service users and all of our workers safe and well we ask that if you have symptoms of coronavirus infection that you reschedule your face-to-face appointment by emailing support@ercc.scot, phoning 0131 556 9437 or by texting 07966 067 301. As a reminder, the key symptoms of coronavirus infection are listed on NHS Scotland’s website.
All used mugs and glasses are washed daily in a dishwasher, and all support workers follow regular routine cleaning and hand washing protocols to ensure we keep you as safe as possible.
When you arrive are welcome to use the hand sanitiser and face-masks provided, or wash your hands in the Visitors Toilet, should you wish to do so.
Please plan to get to the Centre just before the start time of your session as we only have a small waiting area. This also means there is no place for a friend or family member to wait in the building if they accompany you. We have staggered the start times of sessions to limit crossover with others in the small hallway at the front door.
As things change we will keep this page updated. Last updated May 2023.