Rape Crisis Scotland helpline (5pm-midnight)
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Advocacy Service Volunteers

ERCC’s Advocacy Service provides independent advocacy and support to survivors who are considering reporting their experience of sexual violence to the police, or who are already engaged with the criminal justice process.

We are recruiting volunteers to join our small, friendly advocacy team.

What is the role: Advocacy Service Volunteer

Who is the role for: Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre (ERCC)

When does the volunteering take place:  We are seeking volunteers who can commit to a minimum 3 hour shift at the same time every week. Shifts are available on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays between the hours of 9am-7pm, or on Thursday mornings.

Where does the volunteering take place:  Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre, 17 Claremont Crescent, Edinburgh, EH7 4HX.

What does the role involve:

ERCC’s Advocacy Service is under huge demand, so we’re looking for skilled volunteers to enable us to support more survivors of sexual violence. If you are interested in supporting survivors of sexual violence, developing your advocacy experience, knowledge of the Scottish criminal justice system, and joining a diverse and supportive team then ERCC would love to hear from you.

We ask you to make a commitment of at least 6 months to the service, upon completion of the initial training you will receive from ERCC.

We will provide you with initial training (approx. 5 days over August and September 2023) and on-going shadowing opportunities, support, and management supervision in working with survivors of sexual violence and trauma.

Experience required:

Advocacy Service Volunteers will come from a wide range of backgrounds and will have many different qualities and skills.

We are looking for people who are empathetic, emotionally robust, open-minded, and good team players, with a passion for and understanding of the work and values of ERCC. Excellent communication, organisation and IT literacy skills will be key to the Advocacy Service Volunteer role.

The core training of volunteers will commence 1 August. The role will commence after this training, induction and assessment period, around the end of September 2023.

Additional information:

Only women need apply under Schedule 9, Part 1 of the Equality Act 2010. We are committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace and especially welcome applications from women of colour.

Due to the nature of this role, references and a PVG check are required and there is an application process involving an interview.  

How to apply:

If you are interested in becoming an Advocacy Service Volunteer, please email privacy@ercc.scot for an application pack.

For further information, please email privacy@ercc.scot

The closing date for the current round of applications is Monday 26 June at 10am                   

Interviews will take place on Monday the 3 of July

This project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

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