Our Vision, Mission and Values
Our vision
Until we have a world free of sexual violence, we act in solidarity with survivors.
Our mission
Our mission is to ensure that all survivors of sexual violence, harassment and abuse in Edinburgh, East and Midlothian receive the support, solidarity and healing they need, when they need it. We challenge attitudes towards sexual violence through educating our community, collaborating with allies, and influencing change.
Our values
At Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre (ERCC), we are…
Love is at the centre of ERCC – we care for survivors and offer them the love they need and deserve. We believe that healing is possible and create a safe space for people to find it. Being loving is our commitment to hope and also our act of resistance.
We work to empower survivors by honouring their views, supporting them to be independent and make informed choices about their healing journey.
Being inclusive means that we are committed to acting in solidarity with marginalised groups by actively challenging the systems – both internal and external – which oppress us.
We welcome discussions about our actions, share our approaches, and we listen to feedback from our staff, volunteers and survivors. We acknowledge our failures so we can grow and learn.
We are committed to being brave – even when we don’t feel it – by striving for growth, taking risks, and being bold.